We are Techie kids. We enjoy play, games, science, sports, and other activities that stimulate thinking.

5 Best Tips to Get Kids to Sleep on Their Own Bed

At what age is it best to train kids to sleep on their own bed? Is co-sleeping more beneficial to them than sleeping in their own room? It's different for every family on different parts of the world. Depending on the culture and practices, some families prefer to co-sleep even when the kids are a lot older. Co-sleeping has a lot of benefits, but it also has drawbacks. It helps children feel safe and secure, they have a sense of security knowing that mom and dad are sleeping nearby. And they feel secure waking up to them first thing in the morning. But not all children sleep in peace, they could kick you (or both mom and dad) and you might not get a good night's sleep. And lack of sleep, ...

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Exploring Paris With Kids and Fun Disneyland

Truth be told, we wanted to bring the kids to Disneyland Paris for the summer. But hesitation moved it a little later into a colder month. That's ok though, we still got some Parisian sun. We were staying in Marne La Vallee, where Disneyland is located since it was the main attraction/reason we went to vacation for. It's about a 30-minute car ride going to Paris, but we decided to take the train instead of renting a car, thinking it would still be a convenient trip. (Ooops, the trains have stairs, and not all stations have elevators - which isn't so easy when you have a baby stroller). Aside from this, the ride is smooth and we even met a friendly, older French lady who talked to the kids ...

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Easels and Drawing Boards For Kids

Time and again we are reminded to encourage the kids to explore their creative sides. Whether parents, teachers, and those who are left to care for kids schedule activities, allocate creative rooms that would make their right part of the brain busy. We buy them coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, sketch pads, watercolors and brushes, felt pens, erasers, colored papers, and other materials that will encourage them to draw, color, even cut and glue stuff. Easels One thing that would make a difference in your creativity game are easels. Having one or two around the house encourages kids to create, knowing what an easel's purpose is. An easel is a support usually made of wood ...

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6 Creative Cardboard Box Activities With Kids

There's just something with cardboard boxes that kids love as cats do. While it is a refuge for cats, a big box is a great way for techie kids to get creative and have endless imaginative play. There are many things you can do with a box, but with minimal cutting, some designing, and the kids' participation, you all can have fun while encouraging them to be creative. The idea came after we saw this photo of them in a pull cart, they remembered how fun it was being pulled on while looking at zoo animals. Here are some of the basic, less complicated ideas you can do. Cat Boxes Well, just let them be cats, let them into the box and see how they would climb out, or just stay there. ...

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Baking Brownies and Cupcakes with the Kids

Whenever I buy things at the grocery I see to it that I get the exact amount of change that I should. You say, how cheap, what's 0.01 cent? Well, if the cashier is friendly I let her have it, but if the person looks deliberately keeping it, I take it...why you ask? A hundred times 0.01 is 1€...and I'm sure that's just not how many people buy from a grocery store...if the cashier takes 0.02 cents, that would be doubled.   I'm saying this because I knew of some people around who does cheat. Too strong a word but that's how it is. They cheat to get a lot more...and it's those little things that annoy me. Something small when put together becomes big....does ring a bell, right? So ...

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Techie Kids and Not-so-Techie Mom says Hello!

Being a techie means more than just loving computers and gadgets and tinkering with the phone.  Those are part of the story, yes, but there's a lot more to it than that. A techie kid has unparalleled curiosity about how things work; that may be computers, elevators, a lamp even how plants grow. They are born in a world full of mechanical and digital devices, and all these picqued their interest...often asking the question "how." As a mom of techie kids I need to be ready with an answer when the questions "how" and "why" are raised. I won't assume that I know all the answers but I'd surely try my best. Techie Dad While dad in the advertising arts, he is also well-versed in electronics, ...

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