Happy Parents and Happy Kids with Pepi Tree App
In this era of gadgets, even tots and toddlers have their share of fun game applications that they can play with using tablets and smart phones of their parents. However, moms and dads should be careful with the type of apps that they download for their kids and make sure that it is safe and appropriate for the child. Apps for kids need to be screened for content, educational value, and entertainment appeal. Responsible parents should be happy to know that there are apps like Pepi Tree that score high in these criteria.
This app is one of the best applications for learn and play activity. The game revolves around the life of forest insects and animals that live on the tree. It has 6 different games which can be found in various sections of the tree. Each section has an inhabitant with different needs and habits that the children can learn about while playing with the game. These creatures include a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly, an owl that hunts for insects, a spider weaving a web with funny sounds, squirrels that are fed with different morsels, a hardworking hedgehog, and a mole that digs his way to an entrance with a special lock. There are also added levels or mini games that can be found in every sector of the tree. The colorful graphics, funny sounds, and music tracks make the game more fun and appealing to both adults and kids.
Navigating through the different games in the tree is one way to introduce the kids to the anatomy of a tree, and spending time with each inhabitant gives them a glimpse on how an eco-system works. One could even say that this game is timely and relevant because it can be easy for some to take nature for granted when modern conveniences are involved. Hopefully, this game will make the future generation be more sympathetic to the cause of nature.