What unique way to bond with the kids than going out to fly a kite…ooopppsss! We really don’t have a kite so instead we went out to field just beside the Danube River to fly an RC Helicopter. We installed cameras in it so we get a view of the field…possibly the beautiful Blue Danube as well and of what’s below the ground. The Millenium Tower, the Donauturm and Floridotower were also visible.
I was also testing the video function of the 7D here, so hubby stitched them together in this video. Enjoy.
Hey, there were a lot of kites too! This one (photo) interested me best…hihi. It looks like a glider. Aside from watching it swaying above and floating in the vast blue sky, we also watched the swans idling by the river.
Vienna, October 2010.