Q-BA-MAZE 2.0 Mega Stunt Set
Once upon a time, children played actual toys. They had trains, airplanes, boats, balls, dolls, and blocks. Playing with these toys allowed children to explore the limits of their imagination. Playtime meant going out, meeting with friends (who are usually children of the same age who live next door or within the same neighborhood), going to the park, and playing said toys there. It was an awesome time for children to play make-believe. I should know, because I belonged to a generation where playing actually meant physical exertion and not merely endless tapping of the fingers.
As time passed, however, these toys evolved into remote controlled vehicles, Barbie dolls, and Lego. While the concept for playing remained the same, the changes had to happen to keep up with the times.
These days though, it seems as if only a few kids are still playing with the above-mentioned toys. Now, children are more excite to play with Wii, Xbox, Playstation, or with games installed in their tablets or iPads. Times have definitely changed.
Of course, playing with these gadgets can be quite beneficial. These gadgets expose children to technology, something that is constantly evolving. Being acquainted with technology can work to the advantage of children as they mature and develop, so there’s nothing wrong if you see your kid playing on the iPad. However, nothing could be better than sharpening the minds of children through the toys they play.
In fact, brain health experts suggest that kids be given toys that develop their spatial reasoning. In case you don’t know, spatial intelligence is one among eight kinds of intelligence, which refers to a person’s ability to recreate his visual experience and reasoning about shape, measurement, depiction, and navigation. It accounts for the thinking process of engineers, architects, designers, sculptors, and inventors.
One toy that can develop the spatial reasoning or intelligence of children is the Q-BA-MAZE 2.0 Mega Stunt Set. This toy was one of the winners of the annual Best Toys for Kids 2013 awards given out by the American Specialty Toy and Retailing Association (ASTRA). The chosen winners were toys that promote open-ended or creative play, incorporate innovative design features, and maintain exceptional safety standards.
The Q-BA-MAZE 2.0 Mega Stunt Set is somewhat an upgraded version of the typical marble and/or blocks. A set contains colorful translucent cubes that interlock in endless configurations. It includes 108 cubes, 2 Cascade Stilts, 2 Coaster Tubes, 1 Marble Vortex, 1 Pivot Trampoline, 2 Universal Connectors, 30 steel marbles, and color instructions.
It’s the perfect toy to enhance and develop a child’s ability for creative and constructive play. The double-exit cubes will keep a child on his toes as he guesses which way the marble will roll. The other parts such as the pivot trampoline, cascade stilts, coaster tubes, and marble vortex can help your kid perform an endless array of stunts that would surely stimulate his synapse. Moreover, aside from developing the spatial reasoning of your kid, his hand-eye coordination will vastly improve, too.
If you want your kid cut down the time he spends on his technological gadgets, give him a toy that he would surely enjoy, something that would certainly make his mind work. Give him the Q-BA-MAZE 2.0 Mega Stunt Set, and you’ll be amazed with the results.