“As we thank the optimist who created the ship, let us not forget the pessimist who invented the life jacket.”
Oops! This topic wasn’t about philosophy in life. The quote I stated above is just a logic that a good programmer must think all the times.
Anticipation of the worst-case scenario, that’s what I am talking about. As programmers, we are assigned to do some helpful software. And how are we doing that? We are going to put ourselves of the user’s shoes. The software is for them, not for us. Then, we will do some simulations on what should the user click in order to get result and then, we’ll do the design and the code.
Do you think that would be enough? Hmm.. Maybe, because the needs of the user was satisfied. But there are scenarios that are not expected yet very possible to happen. And we must think about for those things. We must be pessimists to think about those things – errors, bugs, and glitches.
Let’s admit, there is no perfect software as there is no perfect programmer. So, as a programmer, never expect your software to be a bug-free software unless the only thing it’s doing is to display “Hello World”.
Be a defensive pessimist, think of the worst-case scenarios, and never assume for anything. I hope this post made some sense and I hope that you learned something.