Plus Factors of Multiplication Blocks: Get Colorful
Mastering multiplication is one of the most challenging aspects of elementary mathematics. The most common method for kids is to use flash cards or go over the multiplication table countless times until they memorize it. Parents and teachers who are looking for ways to make this task easier and more interesting for kids need not look further as the Multiplication Blocks is here to help. This educational game app for iPhone and iPad users has a lot of plus factors when it comes to building math skills.
technology and education
First of all it’s a game app. This means that the Multiplication Blocks is definitely more fun than the traditional route of reciting the multiplication table or answering flash cards. In this game, the center of the screen is filled with multicolored blocks that represent factors while a falling gray block appears on the side to represent the product. Players need to tap or swipe the factors for the product to clear the blocks and earn points. For example, if a gray block with 6 on it appears on the side, players need to find and tap numbers 3 and 2 that are adjacent to each other in the colored blocks. However, players need to find the factors before the gray block reaches the bottom or it turns into a brick. Once the bricks get stacked up the game will end. Not to worry though, the game can be tailored according to the child’s skill level to avoid frustrations. It features three game modes that include Practice, Normal, and Challenge. The speed and difficulty level can also be adjusted according to the player’s skill.
Children who are struggling with their factors and products can have fun practicing with this app. Aside from the colorful blocks and exciting game mechanics, they can also play according to their own pace. It also helps that kids earn medals for their game accomplishments because these tokens are also great motivators and esteem boosters. Having Multiplication Blocks in your gadget is a definite plus for those who want to build math skills and promote math fluency in their kids.